Acceptable Use Policy

The purpose of this Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is to clarify specifically what is allowed and not allowed when it involves or relates to Stock Bouncer, including it's website, it's products, and/or services offered. By using Stock Bouncer you are agreeing to this policy. If you do not agree with this policy, you are not permitted to use Stock Bouncer. This acceptable use policy was last updated on: February 21, 2020.

In most cases if you are found to be in violation of this policy you will receive a notice via e-mail which will require a response within 72 hours to prevent your account from being suspended. If the behavior is not explained and corrected your account will be suspended. We will try our best to work with you to ensure a fair and just outcome.

We reserve the right to immediately suspend accounts without notice if they are in clear violation of this policy which might include posting/submitting spam, abusive, illegal, or otherwise damaging or disruptive content, products, and/or services.

If your account is suspended we will immediately stop providing access to products or services offered at Stock Bouncer which may include previous purchases. We may also request the immediate removal of content which is not acceptable if located outside of Stock Bouncer's control, and in serious cases involving illegal activity report you to the appropriate authorities.

What is not allowed?

There are multiple types of content that would be detrimental to the health of the Stock Bouncer community and as such is not allowed. Here is a list of things not allowed:

  • Illegal Use — Stock Bouncer may not be used for illegal or harmful purposes. You must be aware of and comply with all laws in the USA and jurisdictions you are located in or doing business in. This includes not violating any applicable law or regulation including those governing export control, consumer protection, unfair competition, criminal law, pornography, anti-discrimination, trade practices or fair trading. Stock Bouncer prohibits the storage, distribution, fabrication, use, posting, or submission of content, products, or services including without limitation: pirated software, malware, viruses, trojans, root kits, password crackers, adware, key stroke capture programs, programs that attempt to gain unauthorized access to other systems or networks, applications designed with illegal intentions or without the knowledge of the user, Warez sites, or any other program used for malicious activity. Stock Bouncer cannot be used for fradulent purposes such as operating a phishing website to collect personal information such as name, account numbers, usernames, passwords, etc. under false pretense. Stock Bouncer cannot be used for death threats, terroristic threats, threats of harm to another individual, multi-level marketing schemes, ponzi schemes, invasion of privacy, credit card fraud, racketeering, and any other activity that is illegal.
  • Fraudulent, Misleading or Deceptive Tactics — You may not attempt to confuse other members of the community by making statements about your own market items, products or services that are false, not accurate, misleading, fraudulent, unlawful, or defamatory. You may not impersonate or misrepresent your affiliation with others. You may not gather information such as products or services from Stock Bouncer to setup a website that looks like our website.
  • Spam — Using Stock Bouncer in a way not intended such as promoting another website or service, posting content not meaningful, using deceptive practices to generate revenue or traffic, posting inappropriate or excessive links, or creating any other content that would be generally unwanted by the Stock Bouncer community is not allowed. The following list is a short, but non-exhaustive list of different types of spam not allowed at Stock Bouncer:
    • Citation Spamming — A form of SEO that involves repeated insertion of a particular citation or reference in content that is posted.
    • Link Spamming — A form of SEO that involves placing exterrnal links into content that is posted for the purpose of promoting a website, product, or service.
    • Affiliate Links — These links also promote a website, product, or service, but are motivated by trying to earn sales off of the links. Any links posted on Stock Bouncer that contain an affiliate or referral code in the path or query string would be of this type and is not allowed.
    • Videos — Showing or linking to videos that promote another website, product, or service is not allowed.
  • Identity Theft — You cannot pretend to be or assume the identity of another another person. You may not post personally identifying or confidential information such as other people's usernames, passwords, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers, social security numbers, driver's license and/or passport information.
  • Defamation and Libel — Libel is an untrue defamatory statement that is made in writing that attempts to damage the good reputation of a person or company. This is not tolerated at Stock Bouncer.
  • Harassment — Any form of harrassment or bullying is not allowed at Stock Bouncer. An example might be a member of the community being subjected to unwanted remarks, insults, offensive content, or derogatory statements.
  • Offensive Content — Any sort of hate speech or other objectionable content that is unlawful is not permitted at Stock Bouncer. This includes any sort of content posted that threatens, condones violence, or discriminates against individuals or groups based on race, color, age, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, or a disability.
  • Disruptions and Exploits — Any attempt to gain unauthorized access, disrupt, limit, or negatively impact the operation of Stock Bouncer will result in the immediate suspension and/or blocking of IP addresses involved.
  • Violating Copyright & Intellectual Property Rights — You should be careful if using content created by others and obtain permission first. We take copyright infringement and intellectual property rights seriously and will respond to notices of alleged infringment that comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 ("DMCA") . If you need to report a user violating copyright or intellectual property rights please send us a DMCA request.
  • Mass Registration and Automation — Accounts that are registered automatically or systematically will be removed and access to the account suspended.
  • Adult Content — Adult or sexually explicit content is not allowed at Stock Bouncer. This includes posting any images, videos, or links to material that is pornographic in that it contains nudity or sexual activity, or any commercial activity linked to making money from adult content such as escort agencies. Any sort of content that attempts to exploit children is illegal, not allowed on Stock Bouncer, and will be reported to the authorities.
  • Regulated Goods & Services — Any sort of goods and/or services that is regulated by the government in the United States is not allowed on Stock Bouncer. This includes, but is not limited to, the supply of weapons, gambling, escort services, and/or the distribution of drugs.

Reporting a Violation

Please contact us to report a violation of our Acceptable Use Policy.

Contact Us

If you are unsure if something is allowed to be posted or submitted to Stock Bouncer, or if you need to reach out to us regarding our Acceptable Use Policy then please contact us.